Here I am again with you. I know that you gave me for lost or, rather, abandoned by Fabio in New York ... in fact I would have liked this at all (*_*), but instead ... here I am.
I must say that among the preparations for Christmas and New Year, I was very busy and if I say that I cooked the night, I assure you that is not a metaphor, but the result of hard work has paid me spending.
In any case, after the New Year we needed a break from the stove and so I took a few days to rest and think, what you ask, but how to use leftovers from Christmas. I do not know about you, but despite Fabio try to contain my impulse purchase when I'm in a supermarket, they are unstoppable, especially when I da organizzare quattro, dico quattro, pranzi in famiglia, con un numero di commensali che oscilla tra gli otto ed i dodici. E così mi trovo dopo i pranzi a preparare pacchetti e pacchettini che terranno gli ospiti lontani dai fornelli almeno per un paio di giorni; ma nonostante io distribuisca a destra e a manca, qualcosa mi resta sempre: il panettone avuto in regalo all'ultimo momento, il cotechino acquistato casomai i preziosissimi cotechini artigianali della zia Laura non fossero arrivati in tempo da Ferrara, il pandoro, perché anche se resta è sempre buono con una bella spalmata di Nutella e, soprattutto, si trova solo in questo periodo dell'anno.
Quindi, quando Alessandra , che è un genio, perché I could not define it in another way, we proposed to prepare a collection of recipes on the leftovers, we joined before you know exactly what and when to prepare it. As for the (st) Santa's reindeer, posting on Monday Ale and Dany, we Tuesdays, Wednesdays Stefania , Thursdays and Fridays Flavia Mapi .
So here we are .... the (st) reindeer are back!
Avanzi (st) reindeer!
pudding cake in orange sauce (Salvatore De Riso)
Serves 10 people Ingredients:
for panettone pudding
500 grams of milk, 250g of eggs (No. 5)
75gr sugar 400g cake into pieces
half vanilla bean lemon
orange sauce for 200g of orange slices sottilissime100gr
sugar 3g of pectin
Bring to a boil the milk with lemon rind and vanilla. Separately, in a bowl, beat with a hand whisk eggs with sugar and add slowly the hot milk by filtering it through a sieve.
the bottom of a pudding mold to 18/20 cm in diameter, place the pieces of the cake and then slowly pour milk mixture over the eggs and sugar.
Put the mold in a water bath of cold water and bake for 45 minutes at 160 degrees.
Check the cooking water if it starts to boil, add some cold water.
Remove the pudding from the oven and let cool to room temperature in its water bath.
After some hours remove the mold from water and place in refrigerator at +4 degrees.
Prepare the sauce: Cut the orange slices, put them in a pan with half the sugar to boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Mix remaining sugar with pectin and add to the hot mixture, leaving 1 minute boil, turn off and let cool.
Just before serving, take the pudding from the fridge, the mold on a plate decorated with orange slices and pour over semicandite sauce cottura.
Note mie: per sentire maggiormente (e consumare di più) il panettone, si possono riempire gli stampi fino a metà, invece che solo il fondo.
Ho versato la salsa di arance ancora calda sui budini freddi...amo i contrasti ;-)
Con questa ricetta passo il testimone a Stefania per il suo post di domani.
Anna Luisa
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