Thursday, January 20, 2011

Humorous Wedding Invitation Pet


Summary of the previous installments:
Lalla remember trying in vain to tell the newcomer ? poor without success!
Well we finally succeeded, Igor The cat gave her hearing and after due consideration, here it fly very Gino baker's shop where he lives the cat now known Panzerotto.
But here's what happened ...

"Coff coff ...! You be careful! And do not slam the door in the laboratory of a baker! Watch have raised cough, cough! A cloud of flour!"
"Panzerotto! Is a catastrophe! DISASTER I say!"
"Stop agirtarti're splashing paint on the dough! ... And you know what the baker Gino hate painting in the mixtures !!!!!"
"What, ah yes! ... CA-TA-FE-STRO "
" It is never to be "catastrophe"? "
" The Newcomer "
" Who? "
" Do not you talked Lalla? "
" Eh? I do not remember "
" Of course! were all taken from a pumpkin cake! "
" They took everything and now I'm from bread to tomatoes and olives, so hurry up!
"Mmmmmiaoooo! When it's ready I'll give it a bit for dinner?"
"But of course ... but what you said about the newcomer?"
" I understand! Come on!"
"Well I said ... uh ... ed, you got a new cat in the building!"
"But it is another male cat ! "
"... this is aaaaaaah ca.ta.stro.fe! eheheheheh!"
"Ah, yes, laugh, laugh! You only interested in bread and cakes! We were soon back in balance! Pitty, Sissy, and we ... Igor Lalla, turnovers, and Nelson (the unpleasant)!"
"But as you have not yet digested the poor Nelson?"
"Quell'inglese conceited? Never! Well, but let me finish. Indro This one is called and the cat on the second floor of the journalist"
"Oh, yes, I saw him, a bit like a 'the stocky ... cat I mean! "
"Sgrunt, will also be stocky but by the airs of intellectual!"

"The other day talking with ... Pitty you had to hear it! Verbiage about a Piergiorgio Gattifreddi and a book about the" mathematics of the twentieth century "... tze!"
"Then I'll give you a friendly advice ... take a slice of this bread with sundried tomatoes and olives and go rant Pitty with Van Gogh and Rembrandt, should do well!"
"Mmmm, you're right already, give me bread!"

It will blow on our beautiful Pitty Igor?
e sarà merito del suo eloquio o del pane ai pomodorini?

Volete la ricetta?

300 gr di semola di grano duro
300 gr di farina 00
1/2 cubetto di lievito di birra
15 g di sale
350 g di acqua
1 tablespoon extra virgin
sun-dried tomatoes to taste
green olives into slices as needed

mixed with the ingredients' impastarice you have available, but also hand in the following order:
the first meal for two, start the darn thing.
joined shortly after the oil and the yeast dissolved in a little water that have been withdrawn from the quantity required, you run the unit again. United
salt only when the yeast is mixed.
Now add the remaining water and continue to knead for at least 10 minutes (more if they worked by hand) Inverse
the mixture on the axis of wood (or the table top with flour) and beat the mixture gently without too much!
Put in the oven to rise in a bowl covered by DOMOPACK for a couple of hours.
Roll out the dough with your hands by giving it roughly the shape of a rectangle.
Sprinkle the chopped dried tomatoes and olives (if you put more is better, in my view were a bit 'sparse)

roll up the dough and place in a baking dish seasoned with seam up

Put the dough nel forno spento e lasciatelo lievitare nuovamente...

fino a raddoppiamento del volume.
Scaldate il forno a 250° e inserite il pane solo quando è ben caldo (se non volete far seccare troppo la crosta, mettete un recipiente con dell'acqua sul fondo del forno)
Inserite il pane, abbassate il forno a 190° e cuocete per 30/40 minuti.
Fatelo raffreddare avvolto in un canovaccio che non sappia di detersivo.

Poi regalatelo al gatto Igor che deve fare colpo sulla gattina del suo cuore eheheheheh!


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