Chifeletti You know?
'm not a diet dish, but today it is still party and we can afford.
potato pancakes are the crescent-shaped, the dough is similar to that of the dumplings and can be eaten as a side dish, but also as a main course (if you're vegetarian or do not want to make too much).
How to prepare?
Boil 500 grams of potatoes with a pinch of seeds Kummel (careful not to confuse them with cumin, is not the same plant)
prepared: 130 gr di farina 00 con un cucchiaino di lievito istantaneo, un uovo, sale e pepe, una grattatina di noce moscata e 30 gr di burro fuso (che ho dimenticato di fotografare).
Nella ricetta originale si mette anche un cucchiaino di zucchero che io ho omesso.
Sbucciate le patate lessate e passatele ancora calde...
Unite l'uovo, il sale il pepe, la noce moscata e il burro fuso...
impastate bene e...
ora unite la farina setacciata con il lievito, impastate ancora e formate...
a stick (if it is too sticky add a little 'flour) ...
hours take a sausage from which to cut into slices that are folded in half moon.
Fry in hot oil until golden brown e. ..
Bon appetit!
I have served with the pork chops with mushrooms, but my daughter (vegetarian) to eat it with tomato gratin which will give you soon the recipe.
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