Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chihuahua Seizures, Protien


Soon come ... the three coldest days of the year, or so says the legend!
The first time I heard it was many, many, taaaaanti but taaaaanti (ok, do not overdo it, I'm not Methuselah!) Years ago. I was at
elementarai and the teacher read us this story, or so it seemed, then, as it was then corredai my series of little thoughts on the story with a beautiful design.
A huge blackbird on a roof, next to a chimney from which smoke came out disproportionately.

In a fit of nostalgia, I changed the story.
You want to read?
There is still huge blackbird and smoking enormous!
But like all stories that respect ...

Once upon a time ...

A small village and cold ...

where she lived with her a white blackbird "Lace"
But one day ...

came the wind chill of January!
Poor blackbird did not know where to go to take his warm little family ...

Until he saw a fire bigger than the others on a house.
"Here" said the blackbird "I will shelter them with my children, at least until This cold wind never stops! "
The blackbird was hidden for three days inside the fireplace, then when he stopped doing so cold ...

finally came out!
But staying in the fireplace, along with the smoke had blackened our blackbird and his "lace".
From that day ... all blacks became the battlements!

And you know other legends about the cold?


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