Monday, January 31, 2011

Bonne Bell Smackers Chapstick Holder

cube, cylinders and the ball ... the hemisphere

I know I imagine your faces already seeing these pictures and ask, "but the Annalù will be determined by the geometry lately?". I want to reassure you that even if today I propose this cupola, or dome, wanting to stay in geometry, there is no surveyor in my life and Fabio can sleep soundly
;-) Actually it was a bit 'of time I had bought a dome-shaped mold, lying in mobile in attesa di essere utilizzato alla prima occasione. L'occasione appunto, mi si è presentata con la visita dei miei zii lucchesi, i quali sono stati nostri ospiti per un paio di giorni. Purtroppo sempre troppo pochi, sia per tutte le chiacchiere che avevamo da fare, sia per riuscire, io a preparare e loro a provare, i miei manicaretti. Ma ovviamente il tempo scarso non mi ha frenata dal preparare loro una cena dopo la pizza della sera precedente ed il pranzo a ristorante. Lungi da me l'idea di farli sentire male a mangiare tanto, non mi sono fatta problemi ad impacchettare tutto ciò che non sono riusciti ad assaggiare e mandarglielo a casa. D'altro canto, se in America i ristoratori si offendono se non porti via ciò che lasci nel piatto, non vedo cosa ci sia di male nel tagliare una porzione di cupola ed incartarla per poterla poi mangiare in momenti migliori, o per meglio dire, con appetiti maggiori.

Terrina di sgombro al salmone affumicato (da La Cucina)

Ingredienti per 4 monoporzioni
800 g di filetti di sgombro freschi
120 g di salmone affumicato a fettine
80 g di filetto di sgombro sott'olio
10 g di capperi
10 g di prezzemolo
4 uova di quaglia
2 patate piccole
insalata per accompagnare (facoltativa)

Lavate le patate, mettetele in una casseruola con acqua fredda, portate ad ebollizione, salate, adjust the heat and simmer for 35 minutes.
Meanwhile cook the mackerel fillets steamed: put three fingers in acua pan with high sides on which to place the grill, bring to a boil, place the fish on the grill and cook for about 10 minutes or till it ready, turning once.
Cook the eggs in a small saucepan sobbollente in water for 5-6 minutes, then drained, pass them under cold water, then shell them. Wash the parsley, remove stems and chop the leaves together with the capers.
Break mackerel in oil, peel the potatoes and mash with a fork along with the mackerel fillets steamed, then let cool. Gather the mixture in a bowl with the chopped parsley, capers, salt and stir. Lined
4 molds portion with slices of salmon leaving them overboard, then fill with half the mixture, eggs disponetevi the center and completed with the remaining mixture. Cover the preparation of the mold inward protruding salmon slices and store in refrigerator to harden for at least 4 hours.
Before serving remove the molds from the refrigerator and baked the pâtés in individual dishes, served on the table accompanying them, if you like, with a little 'salad.

My Notes: Instead of the portions, I have prepared a single dome doubling the amount of ingredients. I lined the dome with the cling film and I replaced it with the quail eggs than hens.

PS recently we are also on facebook, you can keep in touch with us and stay updated on the post, simply click on "Like" at the following address:
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you there! Anna Luisa

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dog Stomach Flea Bites Pic

MT challenge of stuffed cabbage geometric


(click image to enlarge)

So this month we are also ready on the starting blocks, even if a bit 'late, indeed, the wire, for ' MT challenge of January. The winner of last month, the dearest Mapi , has chosen as the recipe of the month cabbage rolls. At first I was a little 'discouraged, as they usually prepare in the traditional way, but finding the variants, is very different. Then I hit the assertion of Alessandra , giving full freedom on the "forms" of rolls and "stuffed", so, mumble, mumble, I started thinking about geometric shapes: spherical, cubic, cylindrical ... but I'm not a capacity for choice, so here they are ... all three ^ _ ^
Then I thought the filling, and instead of meat if we had put the fish, or vegetable polenta Or ...?
Mumble, mumble, here we are in the embarrassment of choice, and this time I opted for the simplest choice: three shapes, three stuffed ;-)
all'intingolo Now I think, but here are the sauces that suit was more difficult, because I think one of the variants proposed only need a little oil and another goes perfectly with a few drops of balsamic vinegar, but the third, that no, the third required a hot sauce, so gorgeous, even racy, well, cheese, or rather .. a fondue.

Tris cabbage rolls:
Ingredients: 1 cabbage

2 medium potatoes

50 g butter 1 egg 1 teaspoon grated Parmesan

5-6 dried mushrooms 1 tablespoon
oil 100 g of tuna in oil 1 tablespoon mayonnaise

100 g of polenta with radicchio

salt 150 ml milk 100 g fontina

1 teaspoon cornstarch

Blanch the leaves of Savoy, formerly washed in salted water for about 5 minutes. Drain, immerse in cold water and put them to dry on a towel. When they are dry, remove the center ribs. To roll the ball
potatoes and mushrooms, boil the potatoes for about 40 minutes. Soak mushrooms in warm water and after a few minutes, chop coarsely and fry in hot oil for 3-4 minutes. Drain and set aside. Mash the potatoes are still hot and put them in a bowl with butter, Parmesan and a pinch of salt. Stir, then add the egg and finally the mushrooms. Place the stuffed potatoes and mushrooms in the center of a cabbage leaf and roll up to form a ball. Put aside.
For cubic polenta roll: prepare the polenta cooking the flour in boiling water, as indicated on the package. When it is ready, pour into a baking dish, resulting in a layer up 3 fingers. Allow to cool and cut into cubes. Clothe them with the cabbage leaves and tie with kitchen twine.
For the cylindrical roll of tuna mix tuna with mayonnaise, spread the cream on the cabbage leaves, fold the sides of the leaves inward and roll up.
Steam the rolls for about 10 minutes from boiling.
Prepare the fondue. Cut the Fontina cheese into small pieces and soak in milk for a couple of hours. Add the corn flour and put on the fire until a thick sauce. Pour a spoonful of sauce the center of the plate put on it and roll the cabbage and potatoes.
the sides have the other two rolls to tuna and season with a little oil and the polenta with a few drops of balsamic vinegar.

almost certainly have arrived (or maybe) to last this month to submit the recipe and I are committed to meet the demand of last month's Ale: make a crap! :-D but for the world I would have lost on the comments on my plate ... and then this month it has only sixty to do! :-DDD
And today is his birthday and I take this opportunity to make them my best wishes.

Anna Luisa

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why Wont Xepisodes Work On My Ipod

Luci d'artista in Salerno

This year, as already by someone, Salerno was a staged ' public display of real works of art bright. E 'can see these light installations throughout the city's historic center. The theme of this year were the constellations that have been joined to the "enchanted garden" in the municipal gardens.

Needless to say, this light show in previous years has attracted many people and each year is more and more beautiful! Unfortunately, we were not ever going to go. This year though, in the afternoon of the Epiphany, we decided to go for a walk there.

After entering the city and waited patiently for a seat in the car, we immediately slingshots in the "enchanted garden". Here among the fairies, flowers, mushrooms, geckos, peacocks and more, seems to have entered into a truly magical place.

Poi ci siamo incamminati per i vicoli del centro storico dove le luminarie floreali sui palazzi, caratterizzano anche questa zona, fino a piazza Portanova dove svetta un grosso albero di Natale. Dopo un bel giro per i negozi del Corso Vittorio Emanuele tutto illuminato, siamo scesi da piazza Portanova per andare a vedere le costellazioni e i pianeti.

After a bite on the fly, we came back home happy for the nice afternoon Salerno.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chihuahua Seizures, Protien


Soon come ... the three coldest days of the year, or so says the legend!
The first time I heard it was many, many, taaaaanti but taaaaanti (ok, do not overdo it, I'm not Methuselah!) Years ago. I was at
elementarai and the teacher read us this story, or so it seemed, then, as it was then corredai my series of little thoughts on the story with a beautiful design.
A huge blackbird on a roof, next to a chimney from which smoke came out disproportionately.

In a fit of nostalgia, I changed the story.
You want to read?
There is still huge blackbird and smoking enormous!
But like all stories that respect ...

Once upon a time ...

A small village and cold ...

where she lived with her a white blackbird "Lace"
But one day ...

came the wind chill of January!
Poor blackbird did not know where to go to take his warm little family ...

Until he saw a fire bigger than the others on a house.
"Here" said the blackbird "I will shelter them with my children, at least until This cold wind never stops! "
The blackbird was hidden for three days inside the fireplace, then when he stopped doing so cold ...

finally came out!
But staying in the fireplace, along with the smoke had blackened our blackbird and his "lace".
From that day ... all blacks became the battlements!

And you know other legends about the cold?

Trident Recaldent Really ?

If you give me a slice of pandoro ... I make a terrine of meat pie

now as you'll see that my sweet tooth, alas, not only to cook but to eat them, leads me to at least once a week to prepare a dessert or something. Even in the latter proposed to us by Alessandra adventure, my choice is already falling in two to make sweet, well, you say, now prepare for something salty, and will instead insist I propose the third dish sweet ^ _ ^
Since the survey was done before the pandoro like much, if not more, of the panettone, I managed, almost by fraud, to steal the last slice with Fabio remained for a short while he was ready with a jar of Nutella and a spoon before filling for the slice of Pandora. With my booty I made a cake that I had spotted some time, but it seemed "excessive" after the Christmas revelry. Then I thought better and decided to immolate, or rather to sacrifice my poor balance, and make this sacrifice (!) For my friends (st) reindeer:-DDD

pandoro and hazelnut tart (from the book Christmas thoughts, creations and menu)

Ingredients: 300 g white flour
170 g butter 150 g sugar

1 egg 1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon

salt 120 g of chocolate hazelnut
60 ml cream 180 g

Place the center of the flour the butter, egg, egg yolk, vanilla, salt and sugar. Knead incorporating the flour dough and then work quickly to make it homogeneous. Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for 40 minutes. Butter a round pan and heat the oven to 170 ° C. Roll out the dough and
foderatevi puncture the bottom of the pan with a fork. Place a sheet of parchment paper cut to disc on the base, fill with dried beans to not inflate the crust and bake for about 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler and let intepidire. Crumble the pandoro, whip the cream and add chocolate, add the pandoro and fill the base of the pastry so that it congeals. Cut into slices and serve.

I must say that at the end Fabio was very pleased with the order made by the slice pandoro, whereas almost alone .. ate the whole pie:-D

And as always a tomorrow new "Surplus" of the (st) reindeer Stefania .

Anna Luisa

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Humorous Wedding Invitation Pet


Summary of the previous installments:
Lalla remember trying in vain to tell the newcomer ? poor without success!
Well we finally succeeded, Igor The cat gave her hearing and after due consideration, here it fly very Gino baker's shop where he lives the cat now known Panzerotto.
But here's what happened ...

"Coff coff ...! You be careful! And do not slam the door in the laboratory of a baker! Watch have raised cough, cough! A cloud of flour!"
"Panzerotto! Is a catastrophe! DISASTER I say!"
"Stop agirtarti're splashing paint on the dough! ... And you know what the baker Gino hate painting in the mixtures !!!!!"
"What, ah yes! ... CA-TA-FE-STRO "
" It is never to be "catastrophe"? "
" The Newcomer "
" Who? "
" Do not you talked Lalla? "
" Eh? I do not remember "
" Of course! were all taken from a pumpkin cake! "
" They took everything and now I'm from bread to tomatoes and olives, so hurry up!
"Mmmmmiaoooo! When it's ready I'll give it a bit for dinner?"
"But of course ... but what you said about the newcomer?"
" I understand! Come on!"
"Well I said ... uh ... ed, you got a new cat in the building!"
"But it is another male cat ! "
"... this is aaaaaaah ca.ta.stro.fe! eheheheheh!"
"Ah, yes, laugh, laugh! You only interested in bread and cakes! We were soon back in balance! Pitty, Sissy, and we ... Igor Lalla, turnovers, and Nelson (the unpleasant)!"
"But as you have not yet digested the poor Nelson?"
"Quell'inglese conceited? Never! Well, but let me finish. Indro This one is called and the cat on the second floor of the journalist"
"Oh, yes, I saw him, a bit like a 'the stocky ... cat I mean! "
"Sgrunt, will also be stocky but by the airs of intellectual!"

"The other day talking with ... Pitty you had to hear it! Verbiage about a Piergiorgio Gattifreddi and a book about the" mathematics of the twentieth century "... tze!"
"Then I'll give you a friendly advice ... take a slice of this bread with sundried tomatoes and olives and go rant Pitty with Van Gogh and Rembrandt, should do well!"
"Mmmm, you're right already, give me bread!"

It will blow on our beautiful Pitty Igor?
e sarà merito del suo eloquio o del pane ai pomodorini?

Volete la ricetta?

300 gr di semola di grano duro
300 gr di farina 00
1/2 cubetto di lievito di birra
15 g di sale
350 g di acqua
1 tablespoon extra virgin
sun-dried tomatoes to taste
green olives into slices as needed

mixed with the ingredients' impastarice you have available, but also hand in the following order:
the first meal for two, start the darn thing.
joined shortly after the oil and the yeast dissolved in a little water that have been withdrawn from the quantity required, you run the unit again. United
salt only when the yeast is mixed.
Now add the remaining water and continue to knead for at least 10 minutes (more if they worked by hand) Inverse
the mixture on the axis of wood (or the table top with flour) and beat the mixture gently without too much!
Put in the oven to rise in a bowl covered by DOMOPACK for a couple of hours.
Roll out the dough with your hands by giving it roughly the shape of a rectangle.
Sprinkle the chopped dried tomatoes and olives (if you put more is better, in my view were a bit 'sparse)

roll up the dough and place in a baking dish seasoned with seam up

Put the dough nel forno spento e lasciatelo lievitare nuovamente...

fino a raddoppiamento del volume.
Scaldate il forno a 250° e inserite il pane solo quando è ben caldo (se non volete far seccare troppo la crosta, mettete un recipiente con dell'acqua sul fondo del forno)
Inserite il pane, abbassate il forno a 190° e cuocete per 30/40 minuti.
Fatelo raffreddare avvolto in un canovaccio che non sappia di detersivo.

Poi regalatelo al gatto Igor che deve fare colpo sulla gattina del suo cuore eheheheheh!

Complaints On Silver Lake Resort

VIP lunch

How many times did you have a dinner of important people, which you wanted to prepare sumptuous dishes, perhaps to make a good impression, or simply because people were not invited VIP in the strict sense, but rather the people important to you in a strictly emotional, friends, family, people who want to but a lot of good and a lunch prepared for them is simply a demonstration of your affection against them. I had a similar situation with dei nostri amici di vecchia data, Giusy e Flavio, con i quali l'anno passato abbiamo avuto pochissime occasioni per incontrarci, ma nonostante ciò la nostra amicizia dimostra sempre di avere delle fondamenta solide.
Quando preparo dei pranzi per gli ospiti mi interrogo sempre sui loro gusti, cercando ovviamente di evitare alimenti e pietanze che non piacciono e cercando di preparare loro qualcosa che possano gradire molto. Ecco, nel caso di questi nostri carissimi amici, non ho grossi problemi perché in più di un'occasione hanno dimostrato di apprezzare la mia cucina, anche offrendosi di fare da cavie per i miei esperimenti culinari. Così, pensando a cosa potevo preparare di nuovo in un pranzo organizzato in questo periodo in cui tutti ci vogliamo return from the Christmas revelry, I opted to remove the first course and strengthen the process of preparing a starter dish of meat in a crust. The experiment has succeeded with flying colors and we spent another delightful day together.

terrine of meat in a crust

Ingredients for the dish:
100 g of chopped turkey
100 g lean pork 100 g peak
veal sausage

1 100 g
of spinach 1 clove garlic

1 carrot 1 onion 1 sprig of rosemary

1 sage leaf

2 eggs 30 g grated parmesan 250 ml of broth

50 g hazelnuts tritate
sale e pepe

Ingredienti per la crosta (pasta per pie alte di M.Roux):
500 g di farina
20 g di sale
200 g di lardo o burro tagliato a pezzettini e morbido
5 tuorli sbattuti con 110 ml di acqua fredda se usate il lardo, 125 ml se usate il burro
1 uovo ed un po' di latte per spennellare

Fare soffriggere la cipolla e la carota tritate in una casseruola con l'olio, l'aglio, il rosmarino e la salvia. Unire le carne tagliate a pezzi e fare rosolare. Salare e continuare la cottura per circa mezz'ora, aggiungendo di tanto in tanto qualche cucchiaio di brodo. Sbollentate le bietole precedentemente lavate ed mix them with meat. Mince meat and spinach and add the eggs and Parmesan cheese, and finally the chopped hazelnuts.
Prepare the crust. Pour the flour on work surface. Put the center of the salt and the lard or butter and mix with your fingertips softening, incorporating the flour a little at a time. When the dough has a nice consistency crumbled, redo the fountain in the center. Gradually pour the egg mixture into the fountain and water, mixing with your fingertips. When the dough is mixed, it away from you for 4-5 times, working the wrist, to make it smooth. Form a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to use. If there is a bit 'pull off an hour prima di usarla.
Formate una palla con 3/4 della pasta e stenderla delicatamente su una superficie infarinata. Rivestite lo stampo precedentemente imburrato, facendo aderire bene la pasta ai bordi dello stampo. Versarvi dentro le carni tritate e coprire il tutto con la restante pasta che avrete steso nel frattempo, sigillando bene i bordi. Praticare al centro del "coperchio" della nostra terrina un foro e rivestirlo di carta alluminio affinché in cottura non si chiuda. Spennellare la superficie con l'uovo sbattuto con un po' di latte ed infornare a 180° C per 20 minuti e per altri 40 minuti a 160°C. Lasciate raffreddare per almeno 2 ore.

Note mie: per il ripieno ho preso spunto dal ripieno degli agnolotti al plin.

Anna Luisa

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

tomatoes au gratin

Oggi una ricetta veloce piuttosto spartana, ma non priva di gusto.
Può ricordare vagamente una pizza, ma possiamo eat it without guilt.
can be a side dish, but also a dish, in this case, the dose indicated in the recipe to become one person.

tomato gratin
needed for 2 people

3 medium tomatoes
a little stale bun (or two slices of bread)
3 tablespoons parmesan cheese grated
into rings 3 tablespoons olive
a generous pinch of oregano (or other herbs of your choice, I use a mix pizza "at the Coop in Switzerland)
extra taste

Take the tomatoes are out of season and have looked a bit 'plastic. But sometimes I feel like summer!

cut in half.
boxcutter I have a special "from tomatoes that was given to me by a dear friend and I find practical

empty it from the pulp and seeds and salt inside ...

now upside down and leave them to "make water"
Meanwhile ...

Chop the bread (not too finely) and add the grated cheese

United oregano (or herb of your choice) ...

Now add the olives (there are green, but you can use black or a mix of both)
Have a good mixed

Recover your tomatoes, and anoint a teglietta beautiful arrange them close, as in the picture ...

Fill the tomatoes with the mixture and sprinkle with extra Virgin
Bake at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes

Bon appetit!

can add cubes of mozzarella or other cheese.
if you like you can add the capers.
replace the olive green with black, the taggiasche or take a mix of olives
used chives instead of oregano or herbs de Provence