Friday, February 25, 2011

What Percent Is Parrot Bay Rum

When a meatball part from Sweden to get to Naples ...

Hands up who has never eaten meatballs in Sweden. Of course, not everyone has had the pleasure of enjoying in their country of origin, but by 'Ikea \u200b\u200b... how can you resist? Already imagine the face of Alessandro when he reads this post will surely ask why it is that I like the Ikea meatballs that certainly are not nearly as good as those of his grandmother. Yes, I admit, are guilty confess, I like. But the only thing I can say in my defense is that the dumplings remind me of a short holiday we spent in Stockholm a few years ago. Obviously when
Alessandra announced that the recipe of the month 's challenge MT were the meatballs and see if the winner of last month was just Alessandro, I immediately thought back to those delicious dumplings, but certainly I had to make their changes, so I thought I'd do it, instead of meat, fish. Immediately I thought of the salmon, but expanding my "culinary horizons, while remaining in the Scandinavian countries, I opted for the cod. Sure, why the Norwegian cod is famous, but it is true that here in Naples are big consumers of this fish and prepare it in many ways. And then, what happens if the Swedish meatballs go to Norway and go up to Naples? Simple, there are some nice appetizers ;-)

polenta tart with escarole and salt cod balls

Ingredients 200 g polenta (maybe taragna)
1 / 2 L
water 1 small endive
350 g of cod
50 g of bread crumbs
1 / 2 onion

20 g raisins 10 g dried cranberries e fatti rinvenire in acqua (facoltativi)
50 g di farina
1/2 bicchiere di brodo di pesce
100 g di fagioli lessati
sale q.b.

(cliccare sull'immagine per vederla ingrandita)

Preparare la polenta: in un tegame mettere l'acqua, portarla ad ebollizione, salarla e versare a pioggia la polenta. Cuocere, mescolando, per 30-40 minuti. Stendere la polenta su un foglio di carta da forno, porvi un altro foglio sopra e con il matterello stenderla dello spessore di 2-3 cm. Fare raffreddare completamente, tagliarla a quadri e grigliarla da entrambi i lati.
Lavare bene la scarola, metterla in un tegame, salarla e cuocerla con un dito di acqua. Quando sarà cotta, scolarla, strizzarla e saltarla in padella con un cucchiaio di olio. Aggiungere l'uvetta che avremo precedentemente ammorbidito in acqua fredda.
Per le polpette: ammorbidire la mollica di pane con un po' di acqua, strizzarla bene ed unirla al baccalà frullato.Se si vuole, aggiungere i mirtilli rossi per dare un tocco di colore, salare ed impastare il tutto. Formare quindi delle polpettine e rotolarle nella farina. In una padella dai bordi alti fare soffriggere la cipolla tritata con 3-4 cucchiai di olio, unirvi le polpette. Rosolarle bene da tutti i lati senza però girarle tropo frequentemente e quindi aggiungere 1/2 bicchiere di fish broth and cook.
Prepare cream accompaniment, blending the beans with a little oil and a couple of spoonfuls of their own cooking water.
Arrange polenta on each slice of bread with a forkful of a meatball escarole and salt cod and wash it all down with the cream of beans.

while the kitchen and even came to look at an unexpected guest, a little troll. I wonder if he was curious and wanted to steal a meatball ...

Anna Luisa


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