Monday, February 28, 2011

Audio Strider 600 For Sale

If you have already started thinking about a diet that elusive tomorrow we will start, the remorse of conscience for the weekend of lavish dinners, the idea that soon it is spring and summer, then comes the proof costume (have you ever wondered why I prefer the Nordic countries?:-D), but first you have to go to Carnival with its fried and lasagna and Easter with chocolate eggs and Only then, if you are thinking that today I will propose a recipe for a light lunch that makes you lose weight permanently and avoid the yo-yo ... well, you are mistaken! :-D
Now I made the serious mistake to not only buy but also to browse and start to prepare the delicacies of the book "savory pastry" by Luca Montersino (if you have forgotten, you can look here and here ) . Unfortunately, the recipes Montersino not get along very well with the diets and in particular I think the recipe that I will propose today is the antithesis of the word "diet", but they are all synonymous with absolute goodness. So I thought to prepare these yo-yo and to share the recipe with you.

Yo-yo peanut (Luke Montersino)

Serves 120 people For the peanut

400 g egg whites 140 g of maltitol
140 g inulin
400 g of salted peanuts
100 g of flour 180 W
6 g of salt for grain

400 g of salted peanuts

For the chantilly peanut

300 g whipped cream 80 g salted peanuts
4 g gelatin sheets
400 g of "custard" made with salted
200 g of fresh whole milk
, 50 g cream
9 g corn starch
9 grams of rice starch
50 g Parmigiano Reggiano
1.5 g of salt

nutmeg 60 g egg yolks (3 egg) 20g butter

For Dacquoise, refined salted peanuts with flour and salt in a planetary fitted with a whisk the egg white with maltitol and inulin. Pour the powder by hand and gradually over egg whites, stirring from bottom to top. Modeled on the cookie sheet and sprinkle with chopped peanuts. Bake at 180 ° C with the valve closed. When cooked (my notes: approximately 20 minutes) killed immediately in a positive temperature.
Prepare the "cream pastry "salt (it's a cheese sauce, it has nothing to do with a pastry cream, I just want to return the look.) Boil the milk in the meantime starches mixed with grated Parmesan, salt and nutmeg and add to cream cold when the milk boils, pour the mixture of starch and stir with a whisk over heat for a few minutes. When thick, pour the cream egg yolks and stir vigorously with the whip a few more minutes. Remove from the heat and add the butter. Break down immediately in a positive temperature, and then smoothed in the planet.
For the peanut chantilly, taken a piece of pastry cream salt, add the isinglass softened in cold water and wrung out and heat in microwave to dissolve. Add the remaining cold cream and peanut butter, lightened with whipped cream.
To finish, coupled with two at the Dacquoise joining biscuits with whipped cream to peanut.

my notes: I have replaced the sugar with maltitol municipality, and halved the amount I have completely omitted the inulin. Instead of forming
Dacquoise circles on parchment paper, I stretched and then with a cup cooked pastry rings when it was still hot, but removing the wheels only once cold.

am happy to share with you these recipes, but it also would like to share the weight that I put eating these delicacies? :-D

Anna Luisa

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Leg Pain More Condition_symptoms Below Knee

Roll chicken salad

A simple recipe, but be implemented in two stages. First
preparation, the chicken roulade was to become one of the ingredients of the salad

Roll chicken
large whole chicken breast Half
three slices of ham
herbs to your liking or, in the absence of fresh herbs from the garden, or Persillade mix for meat or Salarom Ariosto (in this case, omit the salt)
sale e pepe

Aprite a libro il mezzo petto di pollo. E' più facile tagliare in questo modo un mezzo petto che uno intero.
Otterrete una fetta grande.
Cospargetela con gli aromi che avete scelto e un po di pepe e sale (se non è già contenuto nella mistura di erbe) e coprite con le fettine di prosciutto cotto.
Arrotolate e fissate con un paio di stecchini o con del refe da cucina se siete brave. (io no!)

Rosolate l'arrostino in un po' di burro e aromi (gli stessi che avete utilizzato per l'interno del rotolo), sfumate con poco vino bianco e portate a cottura per circa 20 minuti (dipende da quanto è grosso il rotolo).

Ora potete mangiarlo caldo tagliato slices or cool it and use it as follows

Roll Salad

Some thin slices of cold roulade
sun-dried tomatoes
olives seasoned with hot pepper
salad Chioggia or Treviso radicchio
extra oil, vinegar, salt

How it works?
Cut the lettuce and tomatoes into strips, sliced \u200b\u200bolives
Season the salad with oil, vinegar and salt.
United roll into slices and serve

It 's a light and healthy dish with ingredients easily available
Buon Appetito!

Friday, February 25, 2011

What Percent Is Parrot Bay Rum

When a meatball part from Sweden to get to Naples ...

Hands up who has never eaten meatballs in Sweden. Of course, not everyone has had the pleasure of enjoying in their country of origin, but by 'Ikea \u200b\u200b... how can you resist? Already imagine the face of Alessandro when he reads this post will surely ask why it is that I like the Ikea meatballs that certainly are not nearly as good as those of his grandmother. Yes, I admit, are guilty confess, I like. But the only thing I can say in my defense is that the dumplings remind me of a short holiday we spent in Stockholm a few years ago. Obviously when
Alessandra announced that the recipe of the month 's challenge MT were the meatballs and see if the winner of last month was just Alessandro, I immediately thought back to those delicious dumplings, but certainly I had to make their changes, so I thought I'd do it, instead of meat, fish. Immediately I thought of the salmon, but expanding my "culinary horizons, while remaining in the Scandinavian countries, I opted for the cod. Sure, why the Norwegian cod is famous, but it is true that here in Naples are big consumers of this fish and prepare it in many ways. And then, what happens if the Swedish meatballs go to Norway and go up to Naples? Simple, there are some nice appetizers ;-)

polenta tart with escarole and salt cod balls

Ingredients 200 g polenta (maybe taragna)
1 / 2 L
water 1 small endive
350 g of cod
50 g of bread crumbs
1 / 2 onion

20 g raisins 10 g dried cranberries e fatti rinvenire in acqua (facoltativi)
50 g di farina
1/2 bicchiere di brodo di pesce
100 g di fagioli lessati
sale q.b.

(cliccare sull'immagine per vederla ingrandita)

Preparare la polenta: in un tegame mettere l'acqua, portarla ad ebollizione, salarla e versare a pioggia la polenta. Cuocere, mescolando, per 30-40 minuti. Stendere la polenta su un foglio di carta da forno, porvi un altro foglio sopra e con il matterello stenderla dello spessore di 2-3 cm. Fare raffreddare completamente, tagliarla a quadri e grigliarla da entrambi i lati.
Lavare bene la scarola, metterla in un tegame, salarla e cuocerla con un dito di acqua. Quando sarà cotta, scolarla, strizzarla e saltarla in padella con un cucchiaio di olio. Aggiungere l'uvetta che avremo precedentemente ammorbidito in acqua fredda.
Per le polpette: ammorbidire la mollica di pane con un po' di acqua, strizzarla bene ed unirla al baccalà frullato.Se si vuole, aggiungere i mirtilli rossi per dare un tocco di colore, salare ed impastare il tutto. Formare quindi delle polpettine e rotolarle nella farina. In una padella dai bordi alti fare soffriggere la cipolla tritata con 3-4 cucchiai di olio, unirvi le polpette. Rosolarle bene da tutti i lati senza però girarle tropo frequentemente e quindi aggiungere 1/2 bicchiere di fish broth and cook.
Prepare cream accompaniment, blending the beans with a little oil and a couple of spoonfuls of their own cooking water.
Arrange polenta on each slice of bread with a forkful of a meatball escarole and salt cod and wash it all down with the cream of beans.

while the kitchen and even came to look at an unexpected guest, a little troll. I wonder if he was curious and wanted to steal a meatball ...

Anna Luisa

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reasons For Dry Tongue For Cat

White, Gray, Brown e. .. Dedicated to the abstract work

"Pssst, Bianca!"
"Hello ... hey Grey, cousin Bruno! Did you find us?"
"Yes, I will spend some 'time with you, but ... did you see what's in this box?"

"I never looked at what's in there?"

"Toh! Scraps of paper ... we could do something!"
"Yes, but what? Should be an inspiration"
"We could browse through these art books in the library!"
"Mmmm, right! Surely some famous artist has used these forms as to create a work of art!"

"Look here! Picasso did portraits of all angular funny, it might be an idea"

"Look ... White also used scraps of paper for collages!

"With triangles and strips Kandinsky did this picture is called" points over "
" Oh, I seemed to sail boats! "
" Well, the beauty of art abstract is just that. Everyone sees what he wants! "

" Look at this picture of Bianca even Paul Klee has done with geometric shapes "
" Yes and there is a letterona "

"Uuuuuuh, yes! Marcus Walters of these collages gave me the final inspiration! "
" Oh yeah? we are curious to see what Combined
"Wait and see"

Well, Dear Readers.
you feel inspired from abstract as our little Bianca?
This is a good proposal to entertain children on rainy days!
After leafing through books of modern art with them (if you do not look on the internet, or go to the library) ... sfidatevi who does the most beautiful abstract painting!
We will only scraps of paper of various kinds of glue sticks, markers and a device to carry out your work!

But now we see how it ends our little story ... what will be combined Bianca? It must have been up to?

"Look guys! You like it?"
"Mmmm, bah! Bruno What do you say?"
"mah! For me ... at the MOMA in New York mica want it!"
"Ugh guys, you know what I say ... you know nothing of modern art!"
"Well ... maybe if painting a beautiful form of fontina ihihihihihihihih was more interesting ..."

Pirates Of The Caribbean Guitar Tab

Two worlds ... two colors white and black butterflies

I wonder why when there is so much fun, time passes so velocemente, infatti siamo già arrivati alla terza ed ultima settimana con le mie amiche (st)renne. Anche questa volta, come per i regali e gli avanzi di Natale, mi sono divertita un mondo a cercare ricette, a sceglierle ed a prepararle, ma la parte più divertente delle raccolte che vi abbiamo proposto finora, e che mi auguro abbiano un seguito, è il backstage: i nostri messaggi per decidere quale immagine scegliere, quali ricette preparare, gli apprezzamenti sulle ricette appena postate, ma soprattutto una vera condivisione di gioie ed a volte purtroppo anche di dolori, insomma uno scambio tra vere amiche, quelle che a volte nella realtà è difficile trovare, forse anche perchè il mondo che ci circonda too often imposes a form that we would gladly testify and instead is not necessary on the Internet, where we can be ourselves and that's it. It so happens that the people who in reality are sweet, and so does not seem likely that it also happens that the miniature look sweet, salty really are ... ;-)

Two colors (Luke Montersino ecchevelodicoafà ..?:-D)
Serves 30 people:

For the ricotta mousse: 150 g
55 g of Parmigiano Reggiano

100 g cream 13 g of gelatin in
sheets 100 g smoked ham
nutmeg to taste with salt and pepper to taste

200 g of whipped cream

For the Bavarian spinach
150 g of boiled spinach

20 g butter 125 g of fresh whole milk salt and pepper to taste

9 g gelatin sheets 250 g of whipped cream

To install approximately 350 g of biscuit sempremorbido salty

100 g egg yolks 75 g egg 25 g of maltitol

150 g egg whites 12 g Dry albumen
45 g maltitol 50 g Parmigiano Reggiano

150 g ground almonds 50 g flour 00

25 g of potato starch
7 g of milk powder 60 g butter

3 g of salt

Fit in planetary whole eggs and egg yolks with 25 g of maltitol. Whip the egg whites to 70% with the remainder of maltitol, mix the two masses by adding the powder sifted together, built at the end of the melted butter. Baking 240 ° C the valve is closed.
Note: The peculiarity of this cookie is to remain soft (no need to be soaked).
For the ricotta mousse, mix the ricotta with the Parmesan in a planet with the whip, seasoned with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Heat the cream and melt the gelatine previously soaked in cold water and squeezed and incorporate the ricotta, add the diced ham and stretched it all with whipped cream using the planet with the whip. For the Bavarian
spinach, sauteed spinach, boiled and well drained with butter, salt pepper, add milk and bring to a boil, whisk all the cutter and add the gelatin percedentemente softened in cold water and squeezed then go to the chinois; brought to 30 ° C and lightened with cream semimonatata using the global with the whip.
For the final composition, in a framework of steel lying always soft biscuit, cheese mousse, even the biscuit, and finally the cream spinach, pasta with a comb, cut down in the negative temperature, then cut with a sharp knife .

My Notes: In the absence of maltitol, I replaced it with half sugar by weight. Dried egg whites were replaced by fresh. I reported this quarter of the doses given in the book for convenience (and because the doses of 120 people seems excessive to me:-D). I replaced the ham with the mortadella ... because I like more:-P

I refer you to-morrow by Stephen .

With this recipe we participate and we invite you to participate in the contest of "The cuochina superfine " superfine Green for St. Patrick's Day
A kiss from your
(ST) Luisa Anna reindeer

Friday, February 18, 2011

Gutted Aircraft For Sale


peering Today the list of my supporters I noticed that they have reached a round number ... 300.
Okay, you say. there are those who spends a lot! and then who knows how many have lost their way!
does not matter!
am happy to have this blog, to make you smile a bit 'and to receive so much affection through your comments, to meet people on the street telling me I did a job that I proposed or that I felt recipe, I have read a story to your child!
I'm happy for everyone who comes here to look for "The crispy potatoes in the pan" or "galette Bretonne" (the two most clicked on my blog post). for those passing by accident, curiosity, friendship, boredom, habit, to have fun ...
I am happy for the comments, but also for those who pass quietly.
Thanks to all of you who keep this site alive!

We dedicate this picture of my dog \u200b\u200b"seats blessed"

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hot To Put Makeup On Gimp

Some time ago we were in Sorrento with a couple of friends, Paula and Elisa and Ivo between visits and the other (Strange ...) we went into a specialty food store. Now we know it well because every time we beat a ride on the Coast has become a real landmark. In addition to having very well-stocked wine cellar with wines from all over Italy and abroad, has a number of selected products of quality and special things. We are not big eaters, pasta, or rather not eat almost anything, but while I was looking for some typical size of our parts recommend to friends, I came across packet of pasta that I had never seen before: the black and white butterflies. I do not hide it when I saw quell'abbinamento of colors I did not think twice about it before you do end up in the trash ...
Very nice that the package of pasta, realtive to the cooking times, there was written: "In Naples, 8 minutes." Here on the pasta al dente no joke ...

Once in the pantry but there was to think about how to prepare and on what occasion. And so, although we have never celebrated or even this year we did the Valentine's Day, I decided to prepare this meal for Valentine's Day. As the black paste obtained with squid ink, I thought initially to prepare a sauce made with shellfish, then I threw up another idea that goes well as color: a recipe that is used to cook at home Anna Luisa and that we like a lot, or a sauce made with stewed onions, blended with vodka and flavored with lumpfish eggs.

Before the recipe, let me remind you that you can follow us on facebook by simply clicking I like on our . See you there!
Serves 2
160 g of black and white butterflies
3 white onions 1 tablespoon
egg lumpfish

vodka to taste oil to soften

Peel and clean onions. Made them into thin slices, fry them slowly, pour the vodka and cook until golden. At the end add lumpfish eggs (I recommend a little salt water from the pasta and possibly correct later to prevent the dish is too salty).
Cook pasta al dente (I recommend!:-D) and dress.

Then the results of Sunday football have made this dish even more appropriate also to celebrate the victory over what has become the bitter enemy. In the end even this is love, and was celebrated ...


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Use Goody Velcro Rollers

Cat Panzerotto and bread for conquest!

Summary of the previous installments:
Igor had burst into the baker's shop to complain about the newcomer Gino the cat lady Condominium: Indro, an intellectual cat cat very indigestible to our friend the painter.
Good Panzerotto moved with compassion for the friend, cheered him and before leaving had given him a form of bread to share with the cat Pitty.

"In here we are, how many times I have to say not to slam the door of the shop! Flour flying everywhere!"
"Oh ... Nelson? What brings ... I've never seen here at the baker"
"Ah yes, I usually do not eat bread, or as you say ... bread? I usually eat herrings or herring as you say ... "
" aaaaah! so what brings you here at the bakery? baker ... or as you say? "
" Meoww oh yes! actually a strange question ... "
" What strange question? I'm all ears "
" Oh yes dear Panzerotto! There is not it a strange story about the effects of your bread "
" What effects? There are no strange ingredients in my bread! "
" Oh, I do not explained! Seems your pano is achievement! "
" Yes .. you said ... but I do not understand! pano? wins? "
" Yes, Igor won cat Pitty your bread with the tomatoes! "
" aaaaaah now I understand! Miaaaahahahahahah! But my bread is not involved. has been its appeal, say ... colorful! "
" Oh! you say?, but I want to try magic with bread cat Sissy "
" Santa paw, here are all crazy! "
" What? "
" No. .. no! Okay if you insist ... I have a freshly baked bread ... I am not Kummer some of its powers , but you try! "
" Oooooh thanks Panzerotto, then tells you! I go! "
" This then! My bread has wins ?...?...? is it true? I almost do it and give it to another Lalla "

And you? Want to try the bread winning?

Pane al Kummel e altri semi

250 g di farina 00
150 g di farina integrale
150 gr di farina manitoba
1/2 cubetto di lievito
15 g di sale
un pizzico di semi di Kummel, papavero e semi di zucca decorticati (per la quantità guardate la foto)
2 cucchiai di extra virgin olive oil
30 g potato flakes
350/400 g of water (depends on the degree of absorption of the flour)

Pour flour and potato flakes, dough or mixer

Start your device and add the yeast dissolved in a little water from the total quantity.
Add the two tablespoons of olive oil, seeds and let it go for a couple of minutes, only then add the salt.
Now add the remaining water and let go of the device for 10 minutes at low speed.
If you do not have the mixer, let go of the mixer for a few minutes and finish the work by hand slamming the dough on a pastry for good.

Put the dough in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap, let rise until doubled in volume

Then deflate the dough with your fist closed, collected, give it the shape you like and put it on a baking sheet, let rise until it becomes ...

Preheat the oven to the maximum (250 °) and push the bread in the lower part, move it to after 10 minutes middle and lower oven to 200 ° cook for about half an hour (but regulator with your oven)

When cooked allow to cool bread wrapped in a cloth that does not know of detergent.
The cloth will prevent the formation of a crust too hard.

Sappiatemi you say who won!

How Long Does Lumbar Radiculopathy Last

Guess riddle ... A heart

The game now is .... guess riddle, what are the real sparklers?
Like I wrote last week, the (st) reindeer could not stop, or rather, we could not resist the temptation to continue our adventure or game or sharing or whatever you want to call, and we decided to prepare a series of dishes that are not what they seem. It 's the case of today's recipe, found on ricettesegrete , and particularly suited to the Carnival. In practice, it is colored and cooked chatter around the cylinder for preparing the cannoli, so as to give them the shape of the streamers. A recipe is thus not only our right to this collection, but can be adapted to the Carnival and in particular to children's parties ... not by chance you should have seen the faces of my nieces when I presented them with these colorful sweet ^ _ ^

streamers for Carnival (of ricettesegrete)
Ingredients: 400g flour, 2 eggs, 1 egg yolk, 40g melted butter, 80 g sugar, 1 glass of brandy, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract , lemon zest, 1 tablespoon milk, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt, food coloring, peanut oil, sugar.

Preparation: Make the fountain with the flour, add the other ingredients and knead until dough is smooth and uniform. If dough is too hard you can add some dry white wine. Let stand to cool for about half an hour. Divide the dough into 4 pieces each and add a few drops of food coloring is different for each part. Work with a dose of dough at a time and cover remaining dough with a clean cloth to prevent drying out. Roll out thin sheets of helping with "Grandma Duck" that is used for pasta. Cut the dough into long strips and roll it on the steel cylinders, trying to fix the two ends to prevent srotolino when frying. Fry in a pan fried in olive oil. Once the gold drain and place on paper towels. Let cool and remove it very gently from the cylinder. Sprinkle with icing sugar.

my notes: I pulled the sheet with the chatter of machine for the dough to the thickness reaching number 7. The
I colored three colors instead of four.
I then cooked in hot oil at 175 ° C for 10 seconds, turn and then drain. They are also in excellent

So, are you able to guess which are the real sparklers? ^ _ ^
As always, I refer you to tomorrow's blog Stefania, for a new recipe (st) reindeer ;-)

Anna Luisa

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Old Do You Have To Be To Gamble In Micgigan?

Paco and serenade the moon

Paco observes the romantic moon

Paco decides to serenade
The romantic moon sends a shooting star for Paco ...

Paco thinks that the moon is not so romantic!

Happy Valentine's Day to all!