Sunday, March 6, 2011

Where Do You Go To Play Tech Deck Online?

PUFFLY & FLAFFY and couscous croquettes

"Look what I found?"

"What are you doing dressed as Arab?"
"Eheheheh, are no issue with the recipe? "
" Look at that carnival is over! "
" No, in Milan is still going on all week "
" Yes, yes, you can always find an excuse to waste time, come and help "

"We have all these vegetables cut into small cubes"
"Piccoliiiii? but it takes a lot of time! "
" Exactly why I called you! "
" Zic zic zic "
" tac tac tac "
" Phew! "
Toc toc toc"
Zac zac zac "
" But it never end? "
"tec tec tec"
aaaaaah! "

"What an effort! I came to cramp the paw!"
"On a stand up, we have to cook the couscous"
"But it was not already pre-cooked"
"Exactly, it is pre-cooked, you have to finish cooking and then do a little 'different from the information"
"You always have to complicate things !

"Look chatterbox!, I already did! Bring me an egg please!"

"Thank you, grating a bit 'of Parmesan cheese, please"
"Please, please, while I do I always have a soft toy of fatigue"

"Uff, uff, how long does this crank"
"force that we have almost finished"

"What remains now is that we add the cooked vegetables, stir and then compact the meatballs!"

"Then step into the bread crumbs, so"

"Behold! A little olive oil .... eeeeeee Ready to be fired"

"Sniff, sniff, what a smell, we eat?"
"Wait a moment, I take a picture in the first plan "

" Mmmmm, pizza that your photos! The meatballs are cold! "
" but if you are hot! I have just pulled out of the oven ... wait ... another picture "
" And no eh! I eat! Ouch!
"I told you ... that hot!"

couscous croquettes with vegetables
ingredients for 10 croquettes

for the croquettes:
150 g precooked couscous
350 g di latte
1 uovo
sale noce moscata
parmigiano grattugiato 5 cucchiai
pangrattato q.b.

per le verdure (versione basic)
una zucchina
una carota
mezzo peperone
qualche cimetta di broccolo
olio sale pepe
(potete farle con qualsiasi verdura vi sia avanzata in frigo e aggiungere aglio o cipolla a piacere e anche spezie)

Preparate il couscous nel seguente modo: versatelo in una casseruola, coprite con il latte, salate e aggiungete una generosa grattata di noce moscata, portate ad ebollizione, lasciate bollire un minuto o due, poi spegnete e incoperchiate la pentola.

Nel frattempo preparate le verdure: tagliate a dadini piccoli quelle indicate o altre che avete nel frigo, saltatele in padella con poco olio e sale,  ma tenetele un po' al dente.

Quando il couscous avrà assorbito il latte e si sarà intiepidito, aggiungete l'uovo intero, il formaggio grattugiato e mescolate. Poi unite le verdure cotte e mescolate nuovamente, formate delle polpette (il composto tende a sgranarsi, perciò occorre un po' di pazienza) pressatele bene e passatele nel pane grattugiato.

Adagiatele in una teglia con carta da oven and sprinkle with a little oil.
Bake in oven at 200 ° until golden brown. (Oven controlled)

Serve hot with a salad of your choice, are lightweight and can be a good alternative to meat croquettes!


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