Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bullets That Are Illegal In North Carolina

Translated text of the 1915 Schumpeter

Joseph A. Schumpeter: Past and future of Social Sciences, edited by ADELINO Zanini, 2011 LiberiLibri

When taking leave from the University of Czernowitz, in November 1911, Schumpeter held a conference at the Sozialwissenschaftlichen Akademischen Verein, a sort of farewell lecture, from which he drew after reworking Past and future of the social sciences. Published in 1915, after it had already appeared the masterly Theory of Economic Development, the brief text presents a rapid and sometimes corrosive analysis of the genesis and possible developments in the social sciences, the author puts at the center of those "conflicts between schools that represent the core of its original sociology of knowledge.
L’opera si misura con la genesi dello statuto delle scienze sociali – rigorosamente al plurale –, ed è da leggersi quale anticipazione di quella che sarà la fondamentale parte introduttiva della postuma History of Economic Analysis (1954). Prima della presente edizione, del testo era apparsa solo una traduzione giapponese.

Adelino Zanini è professore di Storia del pensiero economico presso l'Università politecnica delle Marche (Ancona). All'opera di Schumpeter ha dedicato fra l'altro Joseph A. Schumpeter (2000) e Filosofia economica. Fondamenti economici e categorie politiche (2005).

Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883-1950)
It was one of the leading economists of the twentieth century. Trained in Vienna, was a professor at the University of Czernowitz, Graz, Bonn. Minister of Finance of the Republic of Austria, in 1932 moved to the United States, where he taught at Harvard University. His theory of economic development, money, institutions of mature capitalism, and its contributions in the sociological, are cornerstones of economic thought. Among the major works translated into Italian is reported Theory of Economic Development (1911), Epochs of history of the doctrines and methods. Ten Great Economists (1914 and 1951), The capitalist process. Business cycles (1939), Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (1942), History of Economic Analysis (1954).

GIUSEPPE BEDESCHI, Corriere della Sera 07/03/2011 page. 32


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