Thursday, March 10, 2011

Good Upconverting 5.1 Reciever

"What I put in the trash?" our first contest!

To celebrate the Spring (which will come sooner or later ...), the Easter this year coincides with the feast of liberation, the bridges of Spring that do not really fall for everyone because there will be Sunday, but above all to celebrate our 200th post, we decided to offer our first contest: "What I put in the trash?"
I think the title says it all already, or better to say nothing, because the basket, at least for now is empty, but for you to fill it with ... what? With all that which brings you to a picnic, be it that of Easter Monday, is instead a simple day trip, a picnic of the simplest, with a sandwich and go, or why not, a glass of champagne. Please, post sweet and savory dishes, homemade bread or sandwiches, pies, muffins, pancakes, jams, teas ... well, anything you would like to see the trash.
And here are the rules: If you participate
, expose the banner of the contest on your blog with a link back to this page (if you have trouble, read the first reply to this message or ask us and we will help you) and write In response to this post a link to the recipe.

If you do not have a blog, no problem, sent to our e-mail your accompanied by a recipe or more photos and we will publish it for you.

You will have time to publish or send us your recipe from now until midnight on April 15, 2011.

will not be considered valid prescriptions issued prior to the date of today.

You can enter more than one recipe.

do not have to add it to our followers, unless you please.

The jury will be composed of the two of us, Anna Luisa and Fabio.
The prize for the winner before you have it: the picnic basket that appears in the banner.
For all participants a wonderful and groom to download pdf when organizing your picnic.

And now we can only wish
Have fun!

Anna Luisa and Fabio


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