Thursday, March 10, 2011

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from Trotskyism to neoconservatism Irving Kristol

Irving Kristol, William Kristol: The neoconservative Persuasion. Selected Essays, 1942-2009 , Basic Books, New York 2011

The Cultural Influence of Irving Kristol is as undeniable as it is unavoidable. As one of the leading minds in the development of neoconservatism, Kristol’s ideas resonate to this very day. The Neoconservative Persuasion is a series of captivating essays that present a comprehensive history of the evolution of neoconservative thought. Its topics include the political but also stretch to encompass the arts.

Howard Dean, The Weekly Standard, U.S. News & World Report, August 11, 2003
By PAUL BERMAN, Published: January 27, 2011, The New York Times

MAXIMUM FAGGIOLI, EUROPE 03/09/2011 the page. 1


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