Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Twins Congratulation Message



African American Hair

cellulite stop

un rimedio per attenuarla:
ammollo in acqua calda con un chilo di sale grosso per 20 minuti
uscire dalla vasca
e massaggiarsi con oli di ginepro o limone

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Genital Warts Length Of Time

cosa non sopportate?

Ecco alcune delle cose che la gente non sopporta
da vari sondaggi has emerged:

- The drop down in the hole when you lift your arms in search of a towel
- The toilet seat up
- then pour in the tea and make a puddle on the table
- The program CEIP
- The queue at the post office and more to pay taxes
- Making coffee with mocha, which will be scattered around on the shelf
- The sounds that make you curl your teeth, like fingernails on a blackboard
- When it rains and puddles Auto Centre lavandoti completely
- Those who finish the roll of toilet paper and not replace it
- Sudoku does not add up
- Access to a car park which escapes in the house, and you've just parked a 300 km di distanza
- Quando mangi i dolcetti e tutto lo zucchero a velo ti finisce sui pantaloni
- La vicina sul tram che alza il braccio per reggersi e... ha l'ascella pelosa
- Quelli che masticano la cicca con la bocca aperta
- Il tubetto del dentifricio pigiato a metà

e voi cosa non sopportate?

nomino per le risposte: Giulymommy, Fidia, Chiara (PV), Dina, Patty........

io non sopporto:
- l'asse del water alzato,
- i rumori con le unghie,
- quelli che finiscono il rotolo della cartaigienica e non lo sostituiscono,
- masticare a bocca aperta

18 Or Older Gay Clubs New Jersey

141. serata donne

Ieri sera io e le mie amiche siamo uscite insieme per una serata women, was pleasant to be redone, we had fun and we chatted so much .... I realized that we girls have many things to talk about, different topics, while boys have a limited number of subjects .... this is not to allude to anything, just a simple finding, however, this morning I woke up with a lot of sleep, sore throat that I have for two days, is not due to a little chat and neck has improved, although this tonight gym and out initerrotamente continues to rain ... nice day kisses kisses kisses

Monday, April 28, 2008

Uncensored Waxing The Beaver

Compleanno Aurora e altro......

Hello everyone this week end good mood and the food ...

Friday was a holiday, birthday of the grandmothers in the morning, afternoon excursion to Como, the day was beautiful ..... I had dinner out at a restaurant consigliatoci by the mother of Oasis, but goodness, we came home tired but happy with the belly full, we met fabio himself in Como and we had a drink together.
Saturday morning errands, I in the afternoon, Oasis and Faith C went to go shopping, then at night we went to dinner with the parents of Oasis who came in to see the new house Pavese dl son here .... we had fun and I binge ... yum yum ;-)

Sunday morning breakfast with Oasis, lunch from my parents, then the child's birthday Aurora Alan and Clare, she's beautiful and gets longer and longer ...
Today is Monday and I woke up with a bad neck and sore throat ... Official! :-(

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pokemon Moveset Generator



On April 25, 1945 April 25, 1945 the partisans liberate Milan occupation of the Nazis and Fascists. Even the civilian population rises up and large areas of Italy North America - and many cities - are released before the arrival of Anglo-American troops who, having passed the final hurdle of the Gothic Line in Tuscany, pursued the retreating German troops in the Po Valley. In Europe, meanwhile, the Soviet Red Army in Germany and spreading to the gates of Berlin and the Anglo-Americans, after landing in Normandy, advance through Belgium, Hitler, in the face of defeat, committed suicide in his bunker. More than five years after the German invasion of Poland, then, the war reached its epilogue (Japan only in September instead surrender after the dropping of two atomic bombs by the Americans).

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Chesapeake Seasoning Shrimp Recipe


woman "is important not to overcome fear, but rather to control it"

a PROJECT divided into two classes
theoretical and a practical opportunity to defend themselves with everyday objects and the own body, learn how to prevent, to react, to have more security
the project will be structured as follows:

Monday 12/05/2008 from 20.00 to 21.30
first lesson on Wednesday 14/05/2008 from 20.00 to 21.30
second lesson in the hall of socio-cultural Želešice center, located in Via Provinciale 23 - Zelo Surrigone
Sunday, 08.06.2008 10.00 am 12:00
third lesson of the nursery room at City Galilei via / via leopards, Surrigone zeal.

the Lecturer will be responsible for the sector Instruction defense. Gallino Fabio soc Asam

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ratchet And Clank Rhino V Holo Plan

Simon means "God hears and listens to"

Borat Staged Not Staged

136. il mio fine settimana...

18/04 Friday night dance class with my friends, Saturday, 4.19 am shopping spree with Faith C Saturday afternoon shopping with moderate Oasis and repair my car, Saturday evening dinner with Oasis, after dinner was scheduled for the cinema, but did not give anything that we liked, so we went to block buster and we rented two dvd thriller at home we saw one of Oasis, at the end of the evening I was sick, I put the whole dinner
Mr! :-(
Sunday morning stage of martial arts and kick boxing (still Today is Tuesday I have sore thighs) ... Sunday afternoon viewing the DVD at the home of Oasis were also Alex and Olga ... Sunday evening all of my home to see the magic that obviously Inter won. ... kiss

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Can You Wear High Heels After Bunion Surgery

novità lavorative...

Within the company I work for, I follow the general ledger, then the rest follows more approfindito the accountant on my bed ... I'm responsible ' administration, and in light of logistics, but we say that my occupation is under the administration and accounting .... The work in this last period is on the rise and on the basis of this, the accounts we have now left completely the accountant, even if I have to stay as a base ...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How To Have An Apple Themed Kitchen

le galatine...mmmm....

Nothing to say Galatine are super fantastic, one is led to another and find the milk in the supermarket as a pharmacy ...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Is Oxy Supposed To Burn

133. stanca....

Thursday as usual after work a good hour of gym Friday ... I was sick all day, so I had to go out at night but I stayed at casa.Sabato I did odd jobs and commissions in the morning, with Dina in the afternoon I went to see Clara and her little Aurora, in the evening I went out with the legendary Sabri and Cynthia, their husbands, my little oasis and Martina, the daughter of Sabrina, mom is too good ... that girl is adorable .... We enjoyed very much all we ate and chatted, Sabri has invariably forgot to give me a cd Max, which I asked (for the fourth time;-D ).... then later in the evening I received some bad news, which concerns the mother of a friend of mine who passed away Sunday morning ... vote like any good citizen, voting is a right and a duty in the afternoon .... I helped Oasis to fix things in the drawers in her new home in the evening ... she was tired, I watched a movie and then this morning I sleep .... up, I did all the things I do before going to work, then I came into office and my head was already reversed, saying anything that made me even reverse me .... Ugh! I'm tired, maybe because I'm slowing down the pace? Maybe because it is spring?
..... I'm tired physically are mentally relaxing .... are annoyed working ...

Friday, April 11, 2008

Nerf War Birthday Party Ideas


in a few posts ago, I announced that I would make a trip this year, the goals stated were 3

- Venetian (Bibione)
- Greece (Koss)
- calabria

I have not yet decided .....

you and where you go on vacation?

already visited regions in Italy are:

Aosta Valley Piedmont Lombardy

Friuli Venezia Giulia Veneto

lazio liguria

sardegna campania emilia romagna


regions that have yet to visit in Italy are:

Trentino Alto Adige Umbria

Abruzzo Molise Puglia

sicily corsica

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How To Dance At A Middle School Dance


my paternal grandmother had triplets ....
my sister has triplets ....
and I ?......
mah ......

Monday, April 7, 2008

How To Level Pokemon Deluge Faster

cibo ed altro.......

good start all week, so here Hence my past week ....
little place Thursday night with Oasis, a pleasant evening where we talked a lot ... Friday
first lesson of a new course that will appraise do not really want to do it but my friends convinced me, the first lesson was enjoyable, but I do not know if I will continue ....
Saturday morning I went to see another house, shopping evening shoes, evening dinner in Como with the parents of Oasis, we went to a restaurant that makes the food especially delicious, a mix of flavors to fear .... yum yum ... I enjoyed it a lot ... to be repeated .....
Como at night is beautiful ........
Sunday afternoon, I helped to Oasis impacchettare roba per il trasferimento, gia settimana prox va vivere nella new casa....sera a cena da amici, tutto a base di pesce, che bontà....

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cubefieldhow To Skip Levels

la nuvoletta ha colpito ancora....

E si la nuovoletta di fantozzi si è rifatta viva con me propio ieri....uff

La gentile nuovoletta si è posizionata sulla mia Martina (per chi non se lo ricardasse è il nome della mia macchina) in un batter d'occhio bruciate tutte le luci
luci di posizione bruciate
luci davanti bruciate
luci degli stop bruciate
luce targa bruciata
ieri sera corsa per cambiarle tutte